Minerals (A & B)

Rare mineral specimens who's names Begin with the letters A & B

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Aurichalcite Mineral Specimen, Mexico

This specimen is 2.5" (63mm) x 1.5" (38mm)

Aquamarine & Muscovite Mica, Pakistan

This specimen is 3" x 2.5". There are 3 very nice crystals nestled in the mica.

Barite Rose Mineral Specimen,

This is a big cluster. It measures 6.5" x 4.5"

Fluorapophyllite & the Zeolite Stilbite, India

This Specimen is 4.75" wide 3" thick and 2.75"tall

Aquamarine Crystal with Cleavelandite, Mica & Black Schoral

This Specimen is 2" x 1.9" The Aquamarine Crystal is 2" Tall 1" Wide and .9"thick.

Amethyst & CALCITE Rare Mineral Specimen

This is a larger specimen. It measures 6" Tall 7" Wide and 2" to 2.5" thick.